Saturday, April 19, 2008

I am horrible at updating my blog. I don't know how my life gets so busy, i only have one kid and taking two classes and working but i feel like i should have more time then that. i do have time it's just the last thing i want to do. It's either update the blog or watch american idol, a few others and Reba(my favorite show, if you haven't watched it you should check it out:-) these are pics of when my parents came down . My sister leanne saddled the horses up( because i'm a BIG chicken around them)and the kids all took turns riding them. Jayni didn't take to them at first then she saw her cousin Brielle ride and wanted to get on with her and of course i'm standing right next to her cause i'm sure she was going to buck her off and she was going to be paralyzed:) I let go for a min. and you can tell by her face that she felt pretty cool. The other pics are from he kite festival. We were only there for an hr. but it was still fun for Jayni she loved the blow up things. She got trampled by all the bigger kids cause it was mostly for the bigger kids but she's now one too! i just love that girl she really makes everything we do with her so much more. I always feel like we're the only ones around because i'm so intrigued by her. we're prob annoying to be around, oh well..


Jobi Niu said...

That looks like so much fun! Jayni is SOO cute and YOU.. WOW! HOT MAMA! I love your hair..

The Mattinson's said...

Hey Maryanne. I am not sure you remember me. Paul's little sister Penny Harward. Well I saw your blog and thought I ould say Hi. Your little family is cute.

Russ and Suz Adamson said...

Mars, I too am a fan of your hair. You always sport cute hair styles. Holy cow, you are a busy mom and I therefore have no excuses. I always feel that I should do more.

jaclynn and michael said...

Hey I went to that 2 years ago with 3 kids and my dog. It was fun stuff. Your so cute and of course Jayni is too. I am just dying to come down there to the nice weather.