Random Pictures of lately
I am so proud of Jayni. She has dpne amazing in kindergarten, she has not missed ONE day of school not even for being sick. She also has not been late ONCE. I checked her put one day but that is it. She likes schoool, she doesn't say that she loves it but is very good at doing what she is supposed to.
We moved to Hurricane and are loving it. There is so much to do outdoors, I never thought I would enjoy the country living so much but I truly do. We will drive up to zions which is about 20 minutes away and grab a bite or just walk on the sidewalks in springdale, right before the entrance of Zion. This is in Kolob which is also only 15 minutes away and is so fun to take the kids because even Samantha can enjoy it.
I love claytons sense of humor. There is never a dull moment with him.
These girls love their dad. Jayni keeps saying, " I hope I can find a husband just like dad.
These pools are only filled in the spring and there is a short period of time that they are able to be swam in. The water is FREEZING but Jayni is our water bug. She loves jumping into water so of course she wasnt going to pass this oppurtunity up. We didnt bring our swimsuits because we didnt know there would be this much water.
JUMPING and......
Oh my goodness, FREEZING.
OUR little hamburger and french fries. (I don't know why I call her that, maybe thats because thats all I felt like eating and did eat while I was pregnant with her).